Principle for strategic initiatives
The principle for the establishment and implementation of strategic initiatives
Support and investment
A strategic investment must be secured in the company or private, non-profit institution that receives the main responsibility for the investment. Together with the research community, the institution has a responsibility to ensure that the investment can be continued after funding from Helse Vest has ended.
Regional cooperation
The project initiatives must cover the entire region, and it is expected that the project includes all relevant environments in the region. It must be described in the application how the other communities are involved and how this is budgeted. If it is not possible, reasons must be given.
Distribution of funds
Funds must be distributed according to the relevant activity as outlined in the application, and this must be agreed and budgeted in the application for strategic investment. Funds should be distributed according to participation in the project, not size of organisation.
Principle of evaluation
Strategic initiatives must be reported annually during the project period. The reports are assessed every year by the Regional Cooperation Agency for Research and Innovation.
Measurement of achievement and results
Successful projects will produce results in the form of scientific and professional communication, scientific publications and awarded doctorates.
The degree of cooperation can be measured through the number of cooperation partners as it appears in applications and evaluations.
Significance for the health service
Documentation of changes in clinical practice based on research results and/or development of knowledge that is relevant for the health service.
Regional cooperation
Regional cooperation will be measured, among other things, by the authorship of publications based on the strategic initiative, and through feedback on cooperation.