Treatment centres
Patients in Western Norway may receive care both in public hospitals and in private hospitals, institutions and specialist practices with which Helse Vest has agreements. You must be referred by your doctor in order to be seen by the specialist health service.

Health services include somatic treatment (physical illness), mental healthcare (mental illness), addiction treatment, and rehabilitation and habilitation.
Waiting times can vary between hospitals and institutions, both in the Helse Vest region and across Norway as a whole. You have the right to choose which hospital you want to be treated in.
Main Hospitals
Førde sentralsjukehus
Helse Førde
Haukeland universitetssjukehus
Helse Bergen
Haugesund sjukehus
Helse Fonna
Stavanger universitetssjukehus
Helse Stavanger
More on Norwegian Pages
Treatment in our hospitals
In addition, Helse Vest has contracts with private hospitals and institutions and a number of specialists with private practices.
Agreements with private hospitals
Last updated 6/13/2017