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Call for proposals for Research Projects in Smaller Health Trusts and Private, Non-profit Institutions holding collaboration agreements with Helse Vest

The Regional Committee for Research and Innovation in Helse Vest (Samarbeidsorganet) announces a call for 7 million NOK per year over three years (a total of 21 million NOK) for the period from 2025 to 2027. The application deadline is 30 January, at 16:00.

Page in Norwegian

The purpose of this initiative is to develop research and ensure strong research environments in smaller healthcare enterprises and private, non-profit institutions holding collaboration agreements with Helse Vest, through the establishment of larger projects in subject areas of significant importance to the applicant institution and/or strategic competence building related to the Vestlandslegen initiative (decentralised medical education).

To significantly contribute to solving healthcare service challenges, the initiative should be designed in an ambitious and forward-thinking manner. The initiative must be strongly supported by the top management of the applicant institution, and there are requirements for self-financing. 

Eligible Healthcare Enterprises and Institutions 

The following healthcare enterprises and institutions may apply: 


Applicants are required to provide self-financing of at least 25% of the total cost of the project. The self-financing must be fresh funds, and the budget section of the application should clearly indicate what the self-financing consists of. Self-financing can include personnel (funds for release from clinical duties, PhD students, coordinators, and other research support staff), operational costs, and funds for networking activities. Self-financing must be confirmed by an attachment signed by the management of the institution (see template for management confirmation). This applies to both application categories. 

1. Strategic Initiatives (Project Support)

Strategic initiatives for smaller healthcare enterprises should be more than an ordinary research project. The initiatives are intended as an incentive and financial contribution to secure research and the development of research competence and environments in the smaller healthcare enterprises, both during the funding period and beyond. If the project supports the Vestlandslegen initiative, the application must explain how it will contribute to the realization of this programme. 

Who can apply – eligibility at the time of application: 

There should be one project leader and one responsible institution for each initiative. The project leader, who is the academic leader of the project, should be the applicant. The applicant must at least hold a PhD and have a primary affiliation with the applying institution. 

What can be applied for:
  • Release of clinical staff from the clinic (base salary) 
  • Research support personnel such as coordinators, lab technicians, research nurses, etc. 
  • PhD and postdoctoral Fellowships – both named and unnamed Fellowships can be applied for. Funding can be requested for up to 75% of the Helse Vest fellowship rate. The rate can cover salary with social costs and project operational expenses. 
  • Operational costs, including costs for user involvement 
  • Networking activities (e.g., conferences, meetings) 

Note that the call does not cover funds for infrastructure/equipment or research salaries beyond the specified amounts.  
The project must allocate funds for project management and coordination, and this should be shown in the application budget module. 
The funding limit per project (financed by Helse Vest) is a minimum of 1 million NOK annually and a maximum of 2.5 million NOK annually for 3 years. 

2. Strategic Competence Building (PhD Fellowships

The PhD Fellowships must be linked to the Vestlandslegen programme in Helse Førde or Helse Fonna. The application should explain how the project will contribute to advancing the realization of the Vestlandslegen initiative. 

Who can apply – eligibility at the time of application:

For PhD fellowship applications, the PhD candidate must be the applicant, and the fellowship cannot be transferred to others. The applicant must have a obtained master's degree or equivalent (a transcript of grades must be attached to the application). The applicant may not submit multiple applications in the same category. 

The applicant must have their primary affiliation with the applying institution.

What can be applied for:

PhD Fellowships can be requested for either three years (100% position) or six years (50% position). The fellowship is awarded according to the rate set annually, adjusted for estimated inflation as per the national budget. Up to 75% of the Helse Vest fellowship rate can be requested. This rate should cover salary with social costs and project operational expenses. 

Any additional operational funds required beyond the fellowship rate must be covered by other sources. The application must specify the funding for any necessary costs not covered by the fellowship rate. 
Applications for a fellowship to support the completion of an ongoing PhD project are not eligible for funding.

Applications will be evaluated based on scientific quality and potential benefit. These two criteria are considered equally important, meaning that high benefit or high quality alone is not sufficient for funding approval. The following main elements are considered in the evaluation: 

Scientific Quality

A. Project design and originality, 20% 
B. Feasibility, 20% 
C. Quality of the applicant and research environment, 10% 

Expected Benefit

D. Needs justification, 20% 
E. Potential for implementation, 20% 
F. Importance of generating new knowledge and competence building,10% 

Other mandatory elements in the evaluation of applications include impact and visibility, as well as plans for user involvement. More information on the evaluation criteria can be found on Helse Vest’s research website: Aims and Criteria - Helse Vest RHF. The evaluation of scientific quality and benefit will be conducted by an external review committee, with members from outside Helse Vest. 


Apply in the eSøknad portal


Two attachments must be uploaded with the application:

  1. Project description: A template for project description has been prepared for this call. The template gives information about which elements to include in the project description. The project description is to be uploaded as an attachment to the application (PDF document).
  2. Other attachments:
    • The applicant's CV and a list of publications from the last 5 years are to be attached to all applications. There is to be a clear delineation between scientific articles and other publications.
    • For applications for PhD fellowships, the main supervisor's CV and list of publications (last 5 years) must be included. 
    • CV and list of publications can also be attached for key collaboration partners.
    • A statement from the management at the applicant institution, confirming the self-financing, and describing how the project is strategically important and, if appliccable, how the project will support the realisation of Vestlandslegen. 

Note: Missing attachments will result in the application not being professionally assessed.


If applications do not meet the requirements outlined in the announcement they may be rejected. The project leader (applicant) is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete and that all requirements are met. 

Below are the reasons for which an application may be rejected:

Cause Basis for rejection
Application deadline Submission of an application after the deadline. The database closes automatically, and applications may not be submitted via email. 
Multiple applications in the same category Applicants are only allowed to submit one application per category. If multiple applications are submitted within the same category, only one will be forwarded to the review committee. 
Incomplete application 

The application is missing mandatory attachments, or the attachments do not meet the specified requirements. 

Attachments cannot be submitted by email after the application deadline has passed. See eSøknad for information on mandatory attachments. 

Failure to Meet Format Requirements  The project description exceeds the maximum length of ten A4 pages, including figures/tables, reference lists, and appendices. 
User Involvement  The project description is missing information on user involvement in the project. Note that this section is mandatory even if user involvement is deemed irrelevant for the project. 
Requested Amount  The requested amount exceeds the allowable limit for the category of the application. 
Self-financing  The requirement for self-financing from the applicant institution has not been met. For this call, self-financing must be fresh and at least 25% of the total project cost.

Particular requirements for PhD fellowships 

The fellowships must be linked to the Vestlandslegen initiative in Helse Førde or Helse Fonna. For PhD fellowship applications, the PhD candidate must be the applicant, and the fellowship cannot be transferred to others. The applicant must have a master's degree or equivalent (proof of grades must be included in the application). 

  • The application is not clearly linked to the Vestlandslegen initiative. 
  • The applicant has not documented that they have a completed master's degree at the time of application. 
  • The candidate does not have their primary affiliation with the applicant institution. 
  • The requirement that at least one of the supervisors is employed at a university or college in the region has not been met. 
  • The primary supervisor does not hold a main position at an institution in Norway. 
  • The application is for a fellowship to complete the PhD. 
Particular Requirements for Project Support 
  • The project leader has not completed a PhD. 
  • The applicant does not have their primary affiliation with the applying institution. 

  • Personnel financed by the funds must be employed by the applying institution. 
  • Research funds will be awarded and managed by the applying institution. 
  • The funds can only be used for the project the funds were applied for. 
  • The funds must be used in accordance with the allocation, the general guidelines, and the principles for Helse Vest's research funds, as well as the guidelines of the applicant institution. 
  • No overhead charges can be taken from the funds. 

In the event of any discrepancy between the Norwegian original version of the calls or related documents and the English version, the Norwegian version prevails.


Decision and Feedback

Grants will be awarded following the external committee's recommendations, by the end of March 2025. An announcement will be published on Helse Vest’s website, and all applicants will be notified once the awarded grants are made public. 

Those applications not awarded funds will receive a brief written consideration regarding the decision. Please note that the feedback will be general and overarching. Applicants have the right to appeal on rejections caused by administrative errors in accordance with Helse Vest’s guidelines for feedback and appeals. 

If you have questions about the announcement, 

Please contact the Regional Competence Centre for Clinical Research: forskning@helse-vest.no. 



Last updated 12/10/2024