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Guidelines for Clinical Researcher Fellowships

Clinical studies are prioritised in the health care system. The Liaison committee (Samarbeidsorganet) will award clinical researcher fellowships to candidates employed in clinical service. Clinical researcher fellowships aim to stimulate and strengthen clinical research in the medical community in the region. Clinical Researcher Fellowships can also be used in ongoing clinical trials.

Who can apply – requirements at the time of application

The applicant must be employed by a health trust in the region or by a private, non-profit institution that has an agreement with Helse Vest, and hold a position (of minimum 50%), in a clinical or paraclinical institution. The applicant must be a health care professional and licenced as health personnel according to the health personnel act.

The applicant must hold a PhD and as a minimum have completed one period as a postdoctoral fellow or have been active in research for the equivalent amount of time after completion of the PhD.

The fellowships are personal and cannot be transferred to others. Applicants can only send one application in the same category.  

What can be applied for

The clinical researcher fellowship is to cover the salary of one's own position (postdoctoral fellowship rate) and additional operating funds. The fellowship rates include salary with social expenses and some operating costs. The total cost for the career fellowship is currently NOK 1.35 million per year for 1-3 years. 

Separate applications must be submitted if the applicant wishes to be assessed for the category of a postdoctoral fellowship or an ordinary multi-year project, in case the application for a clinical researcher fellowship is not successful in the competition. The budget and project description must be adapted to the individual application category.

If funds are awarded

The positions financed by the research funds are to be employed by the applicant institution (health trust or private, non-profit institutions).

Clinical researcher fellowships can be applied for one and up til three years (100 % position). The fellowship can be implemented as either a 50 % or 100 % position. Payment of the fellowship will follow chosen implementation period. Clininical fellowships proposed to be completed within a 50% position must be combined with the clinical position. 

Two attachments must be uploaded with the application:

  1. A general template for project description has been prepared which is to be used when submitting applications for research funds. The template gives information about which elements to include in the project description. The project description is to be uploaded as an attachment to the application (PDF document).

  2. Other required attachments (are to be compiled into one PDF document):
    1. The applicant's CV (see template suggestion) and list of publications from the last five years.
Page updated: June 2024.
Last updated 6/19/2024