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Guidelines for short-term projects

Applications can be made for funding projects for the duration of up to one year. The research questions in short-term project applications must be well defined and limited in time and cost. The application category is not meant for starting or finishing a phd fellowship, runnings costs for scholarships or projects that already have received funding from Helse Vest. Applicants can only send one application in the same category.

Who can apply – requirements at the time of application

The applicant must be employed by a health trust in the region or by a private, non-profit institution that has an agreement with Helse Vest. If the employment requirements are not met, people who are employed by universities and colleges in the region, as well as private substance abuse centres and rehabilitation institutions with an agreement with Helse Vest, can still apply if an agreement of support with a health trust or a private, non-profit institution is attached.

What can be applied for

Maximum application amount is NOK 500 000. 

Funding can be applied to cover the cost of operational costs and personnel, including the cost of support staff such as laboratory technicians and research nurses, etc.

Funding to cover the cost of payroll compensation for clinicians in hospitals can be applied. It should be established that other sabbatical alternatives have been used or are not available (chief physician leave, specialisation position, etc.).

If funds are awarded

In the event of an award, personnel financed by Helse Vest research funds are to be employed by the applicant institution (health trust or private, non-profit institution that has an agreement with Helse Vest). 

Project description and other attachments

Two attachements must be uploadet with the application:

Project description: A general template for project description has been prepared, which is to be used when submitting applications for research funds. The template gives information about which elements to include in the project description. The project description is to be uploaded as an attachment to the application (PDF document).

Other required attachments: The attachements must be compiled into one PDF document in the order that is outlined below. Upload the attachements as one PDF-document under "other attachements" in the application form:

  1. The applicant's CV (see template suggestion) and list of publications from the last 5 years.
  2. Agreement of support, if necessary (refer to the information about Who can apply research funding.

Last updated 6/21/2022